Post-Doctoral Fellow, Diana Singh, awarded a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

Dr. Diana Singh has been awarded a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (COVID-19 Special Initiative) in collaboration with the Canadian Mental Health Association (Hamilton Branch)
Dr. Singh, along with co-investigators Drs. James Gillett and Ameil Joseph, will be leading an investigation on the effectiveness of emotional labour skills training and other supportive workplace resources in addressing the mental health and well-being needs of frontline staff. They will launch the CMHA employee health and well-being in Spring 2021, which will help inform the development of an emotional resiliency program for frontline staff working in the mental health and addictions sector across Ontario. The project is a community-based research initiative that is part of McMaster’s Community Research Platform, which has recently launched in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
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May 29, 2024